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Islam Rising


Sunday, October 11, 2020

How do we know Jesus was really who he said he was?

Being a Gay Christian (Ravi Zacharias Q&A)

2015 - March 18 William Federer "What Every American Must Know about the Qur'an"

William Federer gave this presentation on March 18, 2015, at the North Lake Tea Party. He provided the big picture of what Islam is all about and how it has shaped history. He completely blows away the claim that Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance, based upon political Islam's 1400 year War with the West. William Federer is a nationally known speaker, best-selling author, historian, and evangelical pastor. His website, www.AmericanMinute.com, includes a complete biography and "Store" which sells books, e-books, and DVDs that he has written and produced. He has produced two DVDs that cover this subject in more detail:
"Islamic Conquest Past and Present" and "Political Islam's War on the West"

Godspeak Fireside Chat - Episode 51 - Bill Federer

Thursday, November 14, 2019

They want to kill

They want to kill

Attack on Saudi Oil Facilities Underscores Iranian Weapons Proliferation Threat

by Yaakov Lappin
Special to IPT News
October 2, 2019
The Sept. 14 Iranian attack on a key Saudi Arabian oil facility serves as a warning about the Islamic Republic's radical intentions – and its ability – to destabilize international security.
Iran presents three different, yet interlinked threats, which were recently outlined by the head of the Iran Branch in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Military Intelligence Research Department.